Mother of Mercy Messengers
Why Support the Work of MOMM?
Ten Exceptional Characteristics / Qualities / Strengths
1. Sacrament Centered
MOMM goes beyond speaking about the power of the Eucharist and Sacrament of Penance as the “unending founts of mercy,” by striving to incorporate holy hours and confessions in their parish programs whenever possible. In this way, many have come to adore Jesus for the first time, or for the first time in a long time. Similarly, by having the Sacrament of Penance available, many are moved to meet Jesus in the confessional, where the Lord told St. Faustina, “the greatest miracles take place.” By leading people to these sacraments, Divine Mercy continues long after MOMM is gone.
2. Expands Knowledge of the Promises of The Divine Mercy
Thanks be to God, more and more people are becoming familiar with Divine Mercy. However, quite often even those who are practicing the devotions are not fully aware of where they came from, nor the promises attached to them. As an apostolate of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception (MIC), MOMM delivers rich, authentic teaching and history that inspires more ardent devotion, the fruit of the knowledge and understanding they impart.
3. Spreads a Message of Encouragement and Hope – Solution Oriented
Bad news and information bombard us daily. Following in the footsteps of St. Faustina, rather than focusing on and complaining about all that is wrong in our world, church, country, and so on, MOMM turns all attention toward correcting the problems that exist far and wide with solutions given to us through the Church particularly for these times.
4. Dedicated to cultivating the Culture of Life and tending to those wounded by the Culture of Death
From conception to natural death, MOMM not only defends life in deed, word, and prayer but also shines a warm and brilliant light on the Divine Mercy of God for the many who have experienced tragedy that stems from the culture of death. The connection between abortion and euthanasia and the Divine Mercy revelations is little known, yet one of the most healing and consoling messages MOMM is blessed to share with souls.
5. Responds to the Attack on the Family by Staking Ground for Christ and Consecrating Families
Our Lady of Fatima told Sr. Lucia that Satan’s final attack would be against the family. And, haven’t we all felt his blows? MOMM meets this attack head-on by promoting and supporting Parish & Home Enthronements of The Divine Mercy and the Act of Consecration of the Family to The Divine Mercy. Claiming ground for Christ in this manner is an exploding movement that is spiritually and physically protecting families, homes, and parishes across the globe.
6. Catechizes Children and Youth with Dynamic Spiritual Experiences
Very few parish missions are planned with the kids in mind, but when MOMM is around they are always a priority. MOMM has presented to thousands upon thousands of youth and they all pray the Chaplet and take a Divine Mercy Holy Card home. Through dramatic and engaging presentations students are taught well the richness of the Catholic faith and prepared to take what they have learned to their families and friends. Jesus said, “Know it is they that who uphold the world.” MOMM takes this seriously and does all she can to reach the youth.
7. Leads a Campaign for the Sanctification of Nations
In 2012 MOMM launched Divine Mercy for America, a campaign to pray and sacrifice for our homelands the way St. Faustina was instructed by heaven to do for hers. Thousands of faith-filled souls in the U.S.A. and beyond have embraced the ACTION PLAN and look to MOMM for on-going inspiration, support, and materials to keep motivated and focused on fighting for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in every heart and nation.
8. Champions Divine Mercy Sunday
Based on Church teaching and The Divine Mercy revelations, Divine Mercy Sunday is a day of extraordinary grace that offers the entire world an opportunity to experience God’s unfathomable mercy. MOMM is passionate about helping parishes and individuals come to know the blessings that are available, how to receive them abundantly, and how to appropriately and creatively celebrate this life-changing feast day in parishes and homes.
9. Has the Back of All Good Works and Apostolates
By promoting prayer and sacrifice and striving to radically increase knowledge of and devotion to Jesus, The Divine Mercy, MOMM provides essential spiritual backing for those in our Christian family that work so diligently for good causes. Much more is needed than money to effect change, and that is where MOMM, and you, come in.
10. Prays and Works Hard for Every Benefactor
Jesus told St. Faustina, “Do whatever is within your power to spread devotion to My mercy.” MOMM believes this is a message for everyone and profoundly values whatever time, talent and treasure are expended in response to this command of the Lord. By running a tight ship, staying focused on the most important things we are called to do, and continually searching for ways to provide more and better assistance to others involved in good works, MOMM can honestly say we give it our all.

Hello, Dave and Joan here from our home in central Texas.
As we wrapped up 2017 we did some soul searching about this work the Lord called us into almost twenty years ago as Mother of Mercy Messengers or MOMM.
We felt called to express the wonder of it all and the importance of the support we receive so we made a down-home video series. Presenting the Top Ten reasons why we believe the work of MOMM is so important for the world today.
Our heartfelt thanks goes out to all who have contributed through the years. Your support has helped us take the Divine Mercy message to over 800 parishes, schools and conferences presenting the message live to hundreds of thousands. So THANK YOU!
Leave a comment below and tell us how MOMM has impacted you.
Dave & Joan Maroney
Mother of Mercy Messengers MOMM
Divine Mercy for America DMFA
An apostolate of the Marian Fathers