Since its inception in 2012 the Divine Mercy for America campaign and network has been growing in strength and numbers. Now with the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy before us, we are filled with hope and even more zeal as we roll out our plan to promote Home Enthronements and Family Consecrations and increase our important outreach to the youth. TODAY we reach out to you with three ways to make the most of the graces available to us this Jubilee Year.
1) Increase Your Devotion to Our Lady – Mother of Mercy
The Jubilee Year began on December 8th, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, the Patronal Feastday of the United States of America, and today, as on every new calendar year, we begin 2016 by celebrating the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. Saint Faustina reminds us often of the importance of Our Lady’s motherly protection, as in Diary entry 1261:
September 1, 1937. I saw the Lord Jesus, like a king in great majesty, looking down upon our earth with great severity; but because of His Mother’s intercession He prolonged the time of His mercy.
As Mother of Mercy Messengers we pray in a particular way that all will seek the constant intercession of Our Lady. Share your love for her with others. Click here for help: Devotion to the Blessed Mother.
2) Make a resolution to make the monthly “Motherland Novenas” – Start Today
“Motherland Novenas” is our term for the four novenas St. Faustina was instructed to make on behalf of her Motherland, and Part 2 of the DMFA Action Plan. We are thrilled to share that we have heard from many folks across the country who have been devoted to these monthly novenas. Thank God for the graces we have all received through everyone’s efforts! Let’s keep it up even more so this year. What are the Motherland Novenas? Click here to read more….
3) Help this apostolate reach even more and have even greater impact
As we mentioned above, 2016 is full of hope as we roll out our plan to reach more deeply and powerfully into the heart and soul of America, and that is the family. Giving presentations to youth and their families and leading holy hours with Confession available will continue to be a major thrust for us, as it is here where many have come to know the Lord and His mercy more profoundly. Children and youth pray the Chaplet for their families and are always gifted with a blessed Image so that they truly take The Divine Mercy home with them. How powerful is that?
We now look forward to furthering the impact upon the family by promoting and supporting Home Enthronements and the Act of Consecration of the Family to The Divine Mercy. We have already seen how the Lord has used these means in miraculous ways.
Your donation will go a long way to help us in this most beneficial aspect of our work and to meet the increasing demand this Jubilee Year. Please give generously. Now is the time for MERCY.