Our Lady of America
Published July 15, 2020 – Two Messages
The Virgin Mother, Mary Immaculate, has expressed through private revelation an urgent desire to speak to the people as “Our Lady of America.”
Some months ago, a stable Catholic laywoman who is a Third Order Franciscan and a known locutionist for more than 20 years, was instructed by the Lord Jesus to pray before a statue of Our Lady of America where His Mother would speak to her under that title. Always subject to a Catholic priest of magisterial orthodoxy, Victoria Spalding was granted permission by her spiritual director to seek out a statue and to do as the Lord requested. These messages have been reviewed by Victoria’s spiritual director and approved for publication. We are happy to present them here.

Our Lady of America
Messages to Her Children
1. God’s Words and Sacrifice – Our True Source of Freedom
March 4, 2020
1:25 pm
My child, it is often that I wish to come to you now. Be not afraid of what I have to say to you in the future. God’s hope for His people lies in their acceptance of His mercy for them. Too many of them have not been taught what is acceptable to God and that which is not. Now they must know that God’s words are the true source of their freedom and devotion to their God.
My child, God is the true source of freedom. His will is that all mankind be saved by the truth of His words and His love for them. Freedom, my child, cost your God and Savior his life on a cross. Freedom grows out of sacrifice, believing in your Savior’s love for mankind. Freedom is not free unless you truly accept Christ as your personal Savior and Lord.
I love you, my child. You have grown weary in the past, trying to bring God’s words to His people. But in the future, you must not let this stop you from continuing with God’s mission for you here on earth. Only those who truly strive for perfection in this life, by loving God with all their hearts, can truly hope for perfection with their God’s love.
My child, this is why I am coming to you now, to teach you to strive for that glorious day when your heart will be united with your Savior’s. Your heart and His must become one in order to carry out His commands to love one another. Striving for perfection simply means carrying out God’s commands to love one another with the perfect love that Christ had for you.
My child, give your life to God. Tell Him that you love Him each and every day. So few people do this, and your God longs to hear this. He longs to be loved and felt in each of His people’s hearts. But He is neglected so often, that He does not know where to turn to find those who truly love Him. It was the same on His way to Calvary. He often looked for those in the crowd who would love Him and turn away from sin, but instead, what He found the most was dejection, cruelty, and scorn for His love and endeavors to please the Father.
It is only through your beliefs in your God, that you can be found worthy to suffer and die for Him. God so loves those who believe in Him, that He takes notice of their fortitude and beliefs, and He uses them for the sole purpose of teaching others His way.
This is why you must always trust in God. It is not for you to decide how your life will be used in the future. Once you give yourself to God, He transforms your very being into the likeness of His own. Through trials and tribulations borne patiently, you offer up to God your own soul, trustworthy of His love and perfection.
I love you, my sweet child. It is necessary to remove all obstacles in the future that stand in the way of God’s people hearing His voice. All the trials and tribulations that will come in the future is God’s way of preparing His people for His mercy and judgment. Each man will be judged according to his mercy and his deeds and will stand before the mighty throne of God. In the end, they will suffer damnation if they do not repent now.
This is why as a loving Mother, I have come to forewarn all of God’s people of His coming judgment for them. Most people think that God does not judge them when they die, that they immediately go to heaven. No, my child. God judges all those who suffer mortal death, and if their souls are not found worthy, then they suffer a spiritual death that is far worse than they could ever imagine. Do not let this happen to your soul or others if you can help them achieve great heights of glory with their God. Too many people settle for less than what could be their true inheritance, simply because they do not wish to give their all to God.
My child, whoever can give their all to God, must give now before it is too late. Calamities are already beginning to fall among God’s people in the form of earthquakes and natural disasters. Why is this so?
My child, God’s people only reap what they achieve through sin, when their hearts are heavy and laden with sin and their own spiritual vices. For instance, abortion is wrong. It is murder of God’s children, the innocent of God’s kind. It must not happen any longer, if God’s people truly want to cherish life of their own.
My precious daughter, this symbolism of Christ’s death on the cross for your sins and the sins of others, is meant to encourage all people to respect life, not destroy it. How can one wound another once they gaze upon the Cross? Wasn’t Christ’s death in atonement for sin? Then why do God’s people constantly choose to destroy life in the womb?
My child, the innocent suffer with the guilty. The guilty are those who turn away from God and destroy His presence within themselves and others. The innocent are those who can no longer defend themselves, because they have not been protected by my people enough!
This must stop, my child, and you must tell God’s people that unless they once again cherish and respect the life that He has given them, that they can never enter the place of rest that God has prepared for those who love Him.
My child, more people must pray in order for this to happen. They must gather on their knees in prayer and contemplation of God’s love and mercy. If they do not do this, how can they expect that the devil can be overcome through prayer and fasting? God’s grace comes through prayer and sacrifice and the sacraments of His love and mercy.
So spread God’s truth far and wide and let nothing interfere with His message of mercy and love. Unless God’s people repent of this horrible sin of abortion, the truth of His love and mercy will never be brought home to them in the form of His truth and grace.
I love you, my child. You must rest now and pray more. Do what God is calling you to do for Him, and all will be well in your soul. You will reap many graces for His people, and He will give you abundant strength from above.
I am with you, my child.
Go in the peace of Christ’s love.
2. Why We must Contemplate the Cross if We Wish to be Saved
March 6, 2020
9:40 pm
My child, I am speaking to you now because God’s people need to hear His words. Each one interprets God’s words differently in their hearts, but few know the true meaning of His words or His love.
When you meditate on Christ’s passion, you give Him the glory of His resurrection by believing in His mercy and His ability to heal His people’s sins. This is not something that should be forgotten by God’s people. To take Christ off the Cross is to negate His suffering, death, and His love for mankind.
My child, Christ suffered and died on the cross, simply because His love was so great that it could not be contained to a single blow. No, my child, sin is a grievous thing, and in order to show the extent of the heartache it causes your God, it must be displayed for all the world to see.
Christ suffered so that no man would have to go through this sort of heartache again. If God’s people would only gaze upon the crucifix each day, their hearts would once again become like their God’s. They would see clearly the reflection of themselves on the cross, because God would reveal to them their sins in abundance. He would point out to them how to make amends by loving one another with all their hearts.
My child, my heart is like that of my Son. It is crucified interiorly each time someone commits a grievous sin against their God. It does not go away, but remains there, until they repent of their sins.
So teach my people that God’s heart is wounded each time they choose to commit a grievous offense against Him. This is why Christ chooses to have Himself displayed this way, as suffering and condemned in His body. Do not turn away from looking at my Son when you see Him this way. He wants for people to see the love that caused Him to take upon their sins and yet forgive their offenses at the same time. It is only through Christ’s love that He chose to heal them through His wounds, and it is only through Christ’s love that one can continue to be healed each time they visit the confessional of His love and mercy.
I am with you, my precious child. Bring to me all your concerns in the future, and I will teach you well how to prostrate yourself before your God. In this fashion, my child, you will see the beauty of the fallen face of your Lord and Savior as he stoops down to behold mankind.
I love you, my child.
Go in peace.