Our Lady of America
Published June 26, 2020 – Three Messages
The Virgin Mother, Mary Immaculate, has expressed through private revelation an urgent desire to speak to the people as “Our Lady of America.”
Some months ago, a stable Catholic laywoman who is a Third Order Franciscan and a known locutionist for more than 20 years, was instructed by the Lord Jesus to pray before a statue of Our Lady of America where His Mother would speak to her under that title. Always subject to a Catholic priest of magisterial orthodoxy, Victoria Spalding was granted permission by her spiritual director to seek out a statue and to do as the Lord requested. These messages have been reviewed by Victoria’s spiritual director and approved for publication. We are happy to present them here.

Our Lady of America
Messages to Her Children
1. God’s Chosen Ones are being Destroyed
March 3, 2020
My child, I will want you to do the will of the Father always, since it is through His love that mankind can only be saved; not through their own love for one another, which is not perfect any longer.
People are confusing love with iniquity. They think that love means pardoning sins but accepting wrongdoing. No, my child. The sins of God’s people can only be pardoned when they put away their misdeeds and belong to God only. If God’s people do not repent soon, worse calamities shall befall them.
The spread of the Corona virus is only the beginning of what will befall man unless they repent of their misdeeds and come home to God’s love and God’s mercy. The sins of God’s people have now become a commonplace theme among them. Abortion is widespread, and the lives of the little ones of God’s love no longer have a voice. They are chosen instruments of God’s love, but are being martyred more and more every day inside the wombs of their own salvation.
My child, a mother is supposed to nourish and feed her child. She is supposed to watch them grow and give them support in their spiritual growth as well as their physical growth. But how can God’s children grow if they are not given a chance to be born?
My child, all these things are disturbing to Me and God’s people. I have come now to spread God’s mercy. God’s people must no longer kill one another! Infanticide is rampant among them, and they know that they are doing wrong but do not care!
Oh, my child, I am weeping now as we speak to one another. God loves His people, but they do not love one another when they murder one another! A child is given no rights or protection. It is ripped from its mother’s body, in the same way that a leaf is torn from a tree, with no thought to the growth that has been destroyed.
My dear one, tell God’s people that they must no longer destroy life of any kind that is meant to grow and be fruitful. This means my poor little ones, whose lives are no longer held sacred in the womb of their mother. The fathers, too, must respect life. Joseph gave his all to Me in protecting my life and that of Jesus. Nothing can destroy life but sin. Goodness protects and nourishes life. Who do God’s people want to be; protectors or destroyers?
My child, listen to God when He speaks to you. Let His people know for Him that He no longer wants them killing one another. Rather, my child, His mercy reaches far and wide to save lives, not destroy them.
I love you, my child. Go forth now and bring many people home to God. I shall be beside you as Our Lady of America, your mother, and I shall grant to God’s people my special graces when they turn and listen to His voice through Me.
I love you, my child. Go in God’s peace.
2. The Necessity to Return to God with Repentant Hearts
March 4, 2020
10:48 am
My child, thank you once again for taking my words for Me. I wish for you to share them with God’s people.
It is not that I wish to take God’s place in bringing His mercy to them, but rather, I have come to prepare the way for their souls to reunite to their God. In the past, many have come to God with repentant hearts, full of mercy for one another. But now, God’s people do not deem this quality to be a necessary part of atonement for one another.
My child, not only do God’s people have to repent, but they must also be strong in their example of mercy for one another. I have come to help reunite God’s people to Him by delivering His words to each of His chosen believers. Those wishing to repent shall be given the grace of His words and truth. But those who do not wish to repent shall be lost forever.
I love you, my child. Your God is now reminiscent of what must be done to lead His people back home to Him. He has often given them His graces of mercy for them to believe in, and now once more He wishes to do the same. How will He do this, you ask?
My child, in the past, God sent teachers and prophets to His people, so that they may be reminded of His mercy and live lives once again which are pleasing to Him. Unless this comes to pass in the future, that God’s people enjoy His grace of mercy once more, they shall not be able to enjoy His beatific vision in heaven.
Hell is real, my child, and only those who are unrepentant will go there. But all those who repent of their misdeeds will surely come home to their God. Strive more, my child, to teach God’s people of this truth and God’s mercy, so that they will know, not only is God’s truth, merciful and just, but also that His mercy leads the way for His people to be brought safely home.
I am with you, my child. You have learned much today already. Now the sun is shining on God’s people where you are staying, because they, too, have heard the word of God in their hearts and are longing to be brought safely home with Him.
Go spend time before your Lord and Savior, so that He may know how much you care for Him in the most Holy Sacrament of His love. It is there that His heart reaches out to you to spread His mercy far and wide.
I love you, my child.
Go in God’s peace.
3. Sin is not Tolerated by God even if it is Labeled Love
March 4, 2020
9:42 pm
My child, do not be afraid to take my messages in the future. All will be well in your soul when you learn to lean on Me more. I am your loving Mother, who listens to you when you speak to Me.
My child, diligently pray for the love of the Father to lead His people safely home again. My people have not yet learned the true meaning of God’s love and mercy. They think that if they do enough in the way of helping others that this is enough. But it is not enough, my child, if they do not honor their God by worshiping also on His altars.
My child, I am here to tell you that God’s people do not realize the great calamities that will befall them in the future, if they do not start to recognize their great errors in using their own judgment to live the lives of sin the way they want. They think that if love is involved with their decision to lead lives of sin, that God will be pleased with them and grant them His pardon and mercy. My child, God only grants pardon and mercy if someone truly wants to pardon the offenses of others and do better themselves. God is not pleased with someone, who only sees the good in others, without recognizing the conversion needed inside their souls.
My child, this kind of love is selfish love. If a person steals the joy from one another, it is selfish love. But if a person also steals the joy from their God in the way of sinning, by living with one another out of wedlock, or cohabiting with one another of the same sex, this is also sin. Sin is not joyful, even under the disguise of love!
This cannot be, my child, that God’s people think they can choose sin over God’s laws. Sin is not tolerated by God even if it is labeled love. How can love be manifested from sin? A storehouse of sin does not produce love, but rather, division and deceit.
So, my child, my storehouse of love and mercy from the Father, in the form of love and graces from Him, should give my people a better understanding of God’s love and mercy. And in time, if God’s people repent, they will understand that God’s mercy is the greatest storehouse of blessing they can receive from Him.
I love you, my child. I know you are weary and need to rest, so I will grant you much sleep tonight so that you may return home safe and sound.
I love you, my precious daughter.
Go in God’s peace.