Saying goodbye to the Blessed Michael cargo trailer.
September 5, 2017 marked the last trip for the team of the Saint Faustina RV and Blessed Fr. Michael Sopocko Cargo Trailer, which you could say has been our caboose for years.
Commissioned in 2004, the combo has been in continual service to The Divine Mercy traveling across the country, coast to coast and back again. It has been an amazing journey back and forth across the great divide, through all the big cities (except Miami but including Brooklyn, Long Island, Staten Island, the Bronx, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago . . .) and countless small towns, through corn fields, up and down mountains, from ocean to ocean to ocean. 160,000 miles and counting. You name it and there’s a good chance this team has been there. Where do you live? We’ve been there! Okay, maybe not. But anyway . . .

Our first caboose! Sometime before 2002.
Thanks to continued advancements in sound reinforcement technology and a general streamlining of our travel systems it is no longer necessary to pull the big trailer to our ‘drive to’ events. We simply made a few modifications inside the RV so that all the equipment, product and materials we need can be packed inside her which means good-bye to the caboose!
For years now we have also had the ability to ship the equipment we need ahead and fly to venues. Packing and shipping everything is a big job, and not inexpensive, but in the end we save a lot of time getting to where we need to be and also money on gas and hotels and meals along the way. Either way, we are traveling lighter, more safely and less expensively, and that feels soooo good!
The Blessed Michael trailer has found a new home in service with a construction crew hauling tools and materials into Port Aransas, Texas to help the victims of Hurricane Harvey put their lives back together. I think Blessed Michael would be pleased. Not only that, the proceeds from the sale of the trailer will arrive just in time to fund the reprinting of our Spanish Adoration Companion booklets which are currently on back order. As Joan likes to say, “God provides!”

“Joan, let me know when you get all the equipment loaded in. I’ll be in the Saint Faustina praying my rosary.” Dave, October 2006, somewhere in Massachusetts
Jesus, we trust in You!
P.S. Looks like Joan is going to have to find another way to get her work-out.

Double parked in the Bronx, October, 2010

South Texas, 2008