Annie Karto resides with her husband Dave in Treasure Island, Florida. She is a gifted singer, songwriter, evangelist, and DMFA team member.
December 12, 2014
Annie Karto from Treasure Island, Florida sent us this beautiful story today that we feel is so appropriate as we remember the importance of the flowers in St. Juan Diego’s tilma. Thanks Annie for sharing!
I wanted to share with you a drawing of Our Lady of Guadalupe on this feast day, that my grandson, Noah, age 9 drew for me.
It is a difficult story but so common among grandmothers. He was baptized and received his holy communion but now no one is willing to take him and my other grandchildren to mass.
He was fascinated by the story of Our Lady, and of course he saw my painting… but drew this free hand. What can grandmothers do/not do to help spread the Catholic Faith in difficult family situations? I think there are a lot of women in my shoes. My mother used to say, “Flowers have no voice, they speak with their presence.” I use this line often when I speak or sing to women.
Most often we can only spread seeds of faith…by our prayer, our presence. The Lord and our Lady have taught me to “lean into the wind” and draw from their grace and power alone, when passing down the faith to my grandchildren.
An excerpt from his homemade birthday card for my 60th birthday reads, ” You are my favorite grandma ever. Now it is time for your birthday. I really hope you enjoy my drawing. I think you will like it. I love you so much I am always thinking about you. I have learned so much from you about Jesus and God. I really enjoyed listening to you talk about Jesus and God. I hope you always remember that Jesus and God loves you so much and so do I. 60 years ago God created you. Noah”